
Kayanza is an administrative region in northern Burundi that borders Rwanda. It is the main coffee growing region in the country, and is known for its mild weather all year round.

This coffee is sourced from Ephrem Sebatigita and his Munkaze washing station in Buyenzi, Kayanza. Ephrem has over 35 years of experience in the specialty coffee industry, as a producer, consultant, mechanical engineer in mills and CQI (Coffee Quality Institute) processing instructor. Coffee is a family tradition, since his paternal grandfather, Ntirandekura, was one of the first promoters of coffee in Burundi in the 1930s. Each year, Ephrem extends its plantation by 500 feet with new plantations. In addition to its own cherries, the station collects those from 500 smallholders in the nearby hills. The lots are usually separated by the different hills where the growers are located, and some are separated by a single grower.

The resulting cup reminds us of white wine and grapefruit.
Kayanza is an administrative region in northern Burundi that borders Rwanda. It is the main coffee growing region in the country, and is known for its mild weather all year round.

This coffee is sourced from Ephrem Sebatigita and his Munkaze washing station in Buyenzi, Kayanza. Ephrem has over 35 years of experience in the specialty coffee industry, as a producer, consultant, mechanical engineer in mills and CQI (Coffee Quality Institute) processing instructor. Coffee is a family tradition, since his paternal grandfather, Ntirandekura, was one of the first promoters of coffee in Burundi in the 1930s. Each year, Ephrem extends its plantation by 500 feet with new plantations. In addition to its own cherries, the station collects those from 500 smallholders in the nearby hills. The lots are usually separated by the different hills where the growers are located, and some are separated by a single grower.

The resulting cup reminds us of white wine and grapefruit.

Coffee origin

red bourbon
1889 m
500 fermiers indépendants
Ephrem Sebatigita & la station de lavage Munkaze

Tastes like

white wine

Community reviews


3.5 Very Good

14 Reviews

Edgar Chavez | 🙂 3.0 Good
Pour over
Un goût assez différent de l'ordinaire, avec une amertume assez agréable (ça doit être la note de pamplemousse?).
January 23, 2024
Marc-Antoine Michaud | 🙂 2.5 Average
Pour over
Des notes d'acidité et de fruits
December 27, 2023
Thomas Hue-Hermier | 🙂 2.5 Average
Moka pot
Bon mais rien de particulier
December 24, 2023
