
This coffee is complex, sweet and mellow with notes of juicy pear, creamy toffee and raisin flan.

Passiflora is washed lot of a few varieties grown in Planadas in Colombia. Planadas is the largest town in the south of Tolima region, but still isolated and lacking in infrastructure; a cause and result of the narcotics conflicts that have come to define this region. But 35 farming families have banded together with Cedro Alto (developer/exporter/partner) to change that, tto build on a culture of coffee growing curiosity, and to repurpose their incredibly rich ecological heritage. Credo Alto is a group of smallholder producers focused on cup quality, environmental and economic sustainability, and transparency in the supply chain. They achieve these by working vertically from farm to roastery, as a collective organization. Their aim is to incentivise sustainable production of high-quality microlot coffee, achieve prices for farmers that improve their families' quality of life, and add value to roasters though transparency and direct relationships.
This coffee is complex, sweet and mellow with notes of juicy pear, creamy toffee and raisin flan.

Passiflora is washed lot of a few varieties grown in Planadas in Colombia. Planadas is the largest town in the south of Tolima region, but still isolated and lacking in infrastructure; a cause and result of the narcotics conflicts that have come to define this region. But 35 farming families have banded together with Cedro Alto (developer/exporter/partner) to change that, tto build on a culture of coffee growing curiosity, and to repurpose their incredibly rich ecological heritage. Credo Alto is a group of smallholder producers focused on cup quality, environmental and economic sustainability, and transparency in the supply chain. They achieve these by working vertically from farm to roastery, as a collective organization. Their aim is to incentivise sustainable production of high-quality microlot coffee, achieve prices for farmers that improve their families' quality of life, and add value to roasters though transparency and direct relationships.

Origine du café

Planadas, Tolima
colombia, caturra, castillo
1650 m
Passiflora (coop)
35 Smallholder Producers

Notes de

caramel au beurre
raisin flan

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