
This is well-balanced cup profile. Flavour notes of sweet stone fruits, smooth macadamia nuts and cane sugar aftertaste. Kaizen is a word of Japanese origin and means "continuous improvement".

The kaizen concept values the permanent search for improvement and simplicity. The Kaizen Farm is focused on the production of specialty coffees through conscientious and technically well‑oriented management, with the best practices for achieving social, environmental and economic sustainability.

Marcelo Lima Verde, born in Patos de Minas, worked as an electrical engineer at ITA, with a professional life built in São Paulo and Uberlândia with his wife Sueli de Castro Bernardes, a psychiatrist. With the Kaizen concept in mind, they renamed the Fazenda Colônia Agrícola, received from Marcelo's parents, to Fazenda Kaizen. In 2012 they begun the irrigated replanting of dry coffee crops originally planted by his paternal grandfather in the 70s, one of the pioneers in coffee culture in the Alto Paranaíba region.

The focus of Fazenda Kaizen is the production of specialty coffees combined with conscious and technically well‑ oriented management, with the best practices for achieving environmental and economic sustainability with respect and attention to its team of employees and to the local community.
This is well-balanced cup profile. Flavour notes of sweet stone fruits, smooth macadamia nuts and cane sugar aftertaste. Kaizen is a word of Japanese origin and means "continuous improvement".

The kaizen concept values the permanent search for improvement and simplicity. The Kaizen Farm is focused on the production of specialty coffees through conscientious and technically well‑oriented management, with the best practices for achieving social, environmental and economic sustainability.

Marcelo Lima Verde, born in Patos de Minas, worked as an electrical engineer at ITA, with a professional life built in São Paulo and Uberlândia with his wife Sueli de Castro Bernardes, a psychiatrist. With the Kaizen concept in mind, they renamed the Fazenda Colônia Agrícola, received from Marcelo's parents, to Fazenda Kaizen. In 2012 they begun the irrigated replanting of dry coffee crops originally planted by his paternal grandfather in the 70s, one of the pioneers in coffee culture in the Alto Paranaíba region.

The focus of Fazenda Kaizen is the production of specialty coffees combined with conscious and technically well‑ oriented management, with the best practices for achieving environmental and economic sustainability with respect and attention to its team of employees and to the local community.

Origine du café

Cerrado de Minas, Patos de Minas
1080 m
Marcello Lima Verde

Notes de

fruit à noyau
macadamia nuts
sucre de canne

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